Blitz 1UP

Giving indie developers a boost


  • Times almost up – kick start this Indie game
  • 09/08/2010

    Axelo, Inc.

  • Palm wants to give you $1m in prizes!
  • 09/08/2010

    The lovely folks at Palm are giving away prizes to reward the developers of the hottest apps for webOS.

  • Call for Indie Games IGF China
  • 06/08/2010

    Independent Games Festival China 2010 is calling for indie game submissions.

  • No More Sweden - Videos
  • 03/08/2010

    No More Sweden recently posted a whole slew of videos following their talks.

  • Feeling motivated?
  • 03/08/2010

    We stumbled across this great YouTube video from RSA animate that takes a look at the hidden truths behind what really motivates us.

  • Develop: 7 Free Tools that can Save Your Studio
  • 28/07/2010 online have posted a great article: "7 free tools that can save your studio", in which developers submit their favourite tools for thrifty game developers.

  • Game Developer Magazine - Career Guide
  • 20/07/2010

    The career guide issue of Game Developer magazine is now available for free digital download.

  • Postmortem from Regolith Games’ "KrissX"
  • 16/07/2010

    Andrew Docking of Regolith Games gives a detailed post mortem of his game KrissX.

  • "Indie Fund" is live!
  • 08/07/2010

    Looks like the ace Indie Fund business angel service for Indies started by Jonathan Blow, Kyle Gabler, Aaron Isaksen, Kellee Santiago, Nathan Vella and Matthew Wegner is now open for business!Indie Fund is a funding source for independent developers, created by a group of successful Indies looking to encourage the next wave of game developers.

  • Designer and Developer MicroBlogging Site
  • 22/06/2010

    Got something to share but don't like writing huge blog posts, or don't think a traditional blog quite gives you the right tools?Look no further.