Blitz 1UP

Giving indie developers a boost


  • XNA Creators Club area is now the App HUB!
  • 12/10/2010 you go to the XNA Creators’ Club website today, you will notice that something is different.

  • Kinect was made for indie developers!
  • 11/10/2010 month, Phil Spencer spilled the beans on Kinect for indie game developers.

  • An In depth look at the IndieCade 2010 Winners (Part 1)
  • 11/10/2010

    Indiecade is over for another year and the winners have all been announced.

  • First person tower defence game, Sanctum - demo
  • 08/10/2010 game developer ‘Coffee Stain studios’ have released an updated demo of their first-person tower defence game ‘Sanctum’.

  • Think you know your market?
  • 08/10/2010

    Marketing, it's a dirty word to some..

  • Take to the skies in indie game Pirates of New Horizons
  • 07/10/2010 studio ‘Exit Strategy Entertainment’ has released a prototype of their game ‘Pirates of New Horizons’.

  • Sean Murray touches on indie game development
  • 06/10/2010 posted an interesting interview with indie developer Sean Murray of Hello Games, the studio behind Joe Danger.

  • Augmented reality developer challenge - win $125,000
  • 05/10/2010 you ever want to make an augmented reality game? Now could be a good time.

  • Indie Kombat - Indie developers make war!
  • 05/10/2010 you’re not following Indie Kombat, you should be! Each month two (or more) indie developers are pitted against one another, tasked with taking elements from the other developers' games and making a new game! The battle is intense, the bruises are real and the insults are brutal!Developers face off in a month long battle to develop a game and defeat their opponents.

  • Explosionade developer claims XBLIG is broken
  • 04/10/2010

    Nathan Fouts of Mommy's Best Games and creator of Explosionade has challenged Microsoft to update its 'broken' Xbox Live Indie Games Top Downloads list before he'll release the finished version of his new game.